MKMMA Week #2 – Understanding the Fundamentals


WHEW – made it through the first week!! And I find I cannot type fast enough — the first draft of this post came out as a barely coherent, bullet-list of partial sentences.  RE-writing to get the continuity of thought as it nearly spews from that intuitive and infinite expanse of the inner mind… hold on people we’re approaching Plaid here!!

I seriously feel like there was a quantum leap that occurred in me today – the first full day of Week Two.   Pieces of information just started clicking, almost audibly, into place since Sunday night around 5:00pm CST.  And, as I write this post I am recalling that there were actually pieces of this connectivity occurring all last week – I just didn’t realize them until right now… exciting\scary\awesome — YES!!!

Pieces of the shift from last week:

  • Discussion within the MKMMA Alliances section:
    Faith is the Substance of things Hoped for, the Evidence of things unseen (Hebrews 11:1)
  • Digging further into the reference:
    Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.

2014-10-07_1058That bolded piece was a thunderclap in my mind *BOOM*,  I’ve always believed that everything in the universe is just different vibrations of energy – that how “solid” or “fluid” something appears to be is merely the fact that it (and all the molecules that make it up) are vibrating at a frequency that makes it’s interaction with the other objects around it “what it is”.  An absolutely wonderful book that communicates this idea in a fun and entertaining way is Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah.  I’ve read it so many times I have sections memorized – and while it’s got quite a bit of the fantasy genre about it, it speaks directly to the concepts we are learning in MKMMA.  That our understanding and acceptance of the enormous power we have at our disposal takes both faith and self-control to fully possess – but when we do our world becomes so completely different from those around us that it appears almost magical to those unaware of the Infinite Intelligence.

So – back to the Leap: around 5:00pm on Sunday a friend – who is also going through MKMMA with me on his own PIF scholarship (Hi Ted!!) – and I were discussing how this topic feels a bit “mystical” and “newage-y” to him, but for me it is so clear and “normal”.  Not so strangely our discussion devolved into tossing the concept of String Theory (and then Membrane Theory) around as we digressed down the scientific viewpoint of matter and energy.  Yes we are both serious and un-apologetic nerds…

How curious then that I would actually start reading more about Membrane theory today and come across these bits:

From Wikipedia: Membrane Theory
“In general, the term duality refers to a situation where two seemingly different physical systems turn out to be equivalent in a nontrivial way. If two theories are related by a duality, it means that one theory can be transformed in some way so that it ends up looking just like the other theory. The two theories are then said to be dual to one another under the transformation. Put differently, the two theories are mathematically different descriptions of the same phenomena.”
and further down…
“Another important theoretical idea that plays a role in M-theory is supersymmetry. This is a mathematical relation that exists in certain physical theories between a class of particles called bosons and a class of particles called fermions. Roughly speaking, bosons are the constituents of radiation, while fermions are the constituents of matter. In theories with supersymmetry, each boson has a counterpart which is a fermion, and vice versa.”

From my layman’s understanding of science, this sounds an AWFUL lot like scientists are (finally?) defining how Energy\Radiation relates to Physical\Matter… and saying that they just might be the same thing!!

To bring this back around to the MKMMA – and the pieces clicking into place…

I am reminded of “Clarke’s Laws” as I get deeper into understanding our relationship to our conscious mind, and thereby our control of the subconscious mind….

Clarke’s Third Law:  Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

Perhaps the corrollary is: Manifestation by exact and disciplined control of the subconscious, through exercise of free will (conscious choice) — is indistinguishable from magic (but will invariably be supported by science?).


We sit at the controls of our conscious mind and can use IT as the tool with which to direct the infinite creativity of our subconscious mind.

We aspire toward the divine as we realize that we have intentional control over the conscious mind.  By exerting our Free Will through intentional choice of Conscious thought – we come into possession of the creative power available through our connection with the Infinite Intelligence.  As we come into the understanding that – almost from a third-person point of view – we sit at the controls of our conscious mind and can use IT as the tool with which to direct the infinite creativity of our subconscious mind, it becomes clearer to us and those on this journey with us that we truly do have complete control over our reality.

I find it exhilarating (and at the same time almost terrifyingly so) that we have such a personal relationship with this Divine power.  Can you imagine how much trouble we could get into were we given direct control – rather than merely “remote” control via Free Will – over our subconscious.  If that image doesn’t give you chills you need to go back and really read the Master Key parts One and Two again.

Like a savant child our subconscious only knows it needs to BUILD and CREATE – it has no awareness of “safe” or “un-safe”, much less “right” or “wrong” – it’s sole purpose is to create – continually striving to manifest MORE.  As we read in Master Keys Part One – the sub-conscious is our connection to the Infinite.  And that Universal Mind is the life principle of every atom which is in existence (1-34).  Therefore what we choose to allow into our storehouse will ultimately determine our physical reality.

Like a parent, our conscious mind guides and directs the development and creative playground that the sub-conscious creates within.  Our subby picks up on those pieces we feed it, builds upon them and ties seemingly irrelevant pieces together in those AH-HA moments where accidental genius appears.   As we see in so many religious texts – and expressed more clearly in the Master Keys – our conscious mind is the gatekeeper and watchman of the data our subconscious gets to play with.  If we desire to build a life where our dreams ARE our reality, we must tear away at the clay covered sand of our current foundations – and retrain our Watchman so that our new foundation is built with intent and of only the finest materials.

With much power comes much responsibility.



I created this image – January 9th 2014 – I can’t recall why this phrase came into my life, but…
anyone recognize it??!! *goosebumps*



I am just noting the following for my personal reference 6 months from now,
with the expectation that more serendipity will show itself in the weeks ahead
and this will be but a child’s plaything, toying at the edges of my awareness
as the MKMMA helps me into a better understanding and possession of the
intuitive creator within.


Coincidence that I overlaid a design similar to what scientists theorize the relationships between energy (thought) and matter (outcomes) might look like?!?

4 thoughts on “MKMMA Week #2 – Understanding the Fundamentals

  1. Thanks so much for your fun read…so many ahhas! I look forward to learning more about your journey. Its obvious from all the connections you are very comfortable with this technology. I hope to learn as well as much as I can. Thank you!


  2. Congratulations Donald for your expertise, from which I learned a lot. It’s necessary to re-read your post. Could you also tell us about your feelings, expectations, doubts, callings into questions…? And thanks again for your researches.


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